3.1. Dao Built-Ins

This page describes the set of types that are built-in to Dao. These types are included as basic types in the language, and are accessible without needing to load any modules whatsoever.

The basic types in Dao are:

type bool

Basic boolean type, can be either true or false.

type int

Integer type. The size of the integer type is the native word size for the architecture Dao was compiled for (32 bits on a 32-bit system and 64 bits on a 64-bit system)

type float

Floating point type. In Dao, all floating point variables are sized at double-point precision.

type complex

Primitive type for supporting complex numbers. Complex numbers contain two components:

float real

“Real” component of the number

float imag

“Imaginary” component of the number

Dao also contains several more complex types that deserve pages of their own: