2. Tutorial

Dao builds on the success of previous languages, including python and C++, by providing a simple, straight-forward syntax in an interpreted language, but improving developer success by providing compile-time error checking that is missing from many dynamically-typed languages. This moves the burdon of error checking out of the runtime, and ultimately means that developers save time hunting down bugs that appear in only one rarely-executed code path, and perhaps more importantly, only appear when that code path is executed.

Like some other scripting languages, Dao comes with a command-line interactive interpreter, allowing easy access to the language for quick tests and experimentation.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore some of the basic features of Dao and lead you through how to write and execute your first Dao program.

This tutorial follows a similar structure to Python’s successful language tutorials. If you’ve been through those tutorials before, you’ll feel at home walking through this one.